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Wednesday, 03 February 2021

Cameo Italiano launches its e-commerce

Cameo Italiano launches its e-commerce

«A very powerful tool but also very dispersive if not used strategically.»

Thus begins Gino Di Luca, founder of Cameo Italiano, about the new project linked to the eshop that has opened new challenges and intercepted new needs.

A platform that necessarily required interventions related to new technological processes, to be applied to the entire corporate and distribution organizational system. «E-commerce must necessarily communicate with the rest of the company, integrate and be a push also on the customer side,» adds Di Luca.

And he never speaks of conflict with the network of physical stores but rather, explains Di Luca, «the most beautiful and stimulating aspect of this new launch was discovering unimaginable realities and how much potential there is still to be explored».

A first feedback on sales undoubtedly concerns the fact that online and offline are two worlds that interact with great coherence, with the online selling the smallest object very well, as a gift, but in any case with a higher average receipt than the initial expectations.

But beyond the purely commercial aspect, the launch of the e-commerce project for Cameo Italiano has led to a new awareness, namely that the "digital" customer is very attentive and curious about everything related to culture and history of cameos, techniques and savoir faire.

A new driver to support the brand which will soon also open a company headquarters in Shanghai. Cameo Italiano ships all over the world at no additional cost, but applies different price lists only in the case of countries with incoming taxes.

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